Click Auction is an online & virtual solution for private, commercial and charity auctions. A tailor-made approach ensures client budget and unique needs are met in an effort to raise the maximum amount of money from their available lots.

Services include:
  • Online Auction platform where bidders fight in real-time to win their favourite lots.
  • Virtual Auction hosted by a professional auctioneer on the final day of bidding to boost winning bids.
  • Auction built on a unique subdomain (example.clickauction.co.za) incl. a custom look and feel, landing page, auction page and account page.
  • Auction built on an existing website.
  • Bidding management.
  • Access to Click Auction subscribers.
  • Payment collection.
Benefits of Click Auction:
  • Very affordable online and virtual auction solution.
  • Flexible, tailor-made solutions to meet client needs and desires.
  • Auction customised to brand look and feel.
  • Online and/or virtual auction solutions available.

To view pricing options – click here.

User privacy is the top priority at Click Auction. To read about how your data is protected, click here


According to a dictionary definition, an auction is “a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.” 

Auctions are used by the private, commercial and charity sectors to sell goods and raise money or by liquidation organisations to collect as much cash from assets previously owned by creditors who have defaulted on debt.

Traditional auctions are quickly being outdated by Online Auctions due to their greater reach and Virtual Auctions, which give bidders a similar feeling to the atmosphere in an auction house as well as a wide range of online entertainment.


An online auction (also known as an electronic auction or e-auction) is an auction hosted over the internet, whereby any bidder can access the auction from anywhere in the world at any time and outbid other bidders.


Benefits of an Online Auction:
  • Breaks down the physical limitations of traditional auctions and reach many more bidders.
  • More affordable than traditional auctions.
  • Easily add lots to an existing auction for minimal or no cost.
  • Meets all physical distancing requirements in line with Covid-19 guidelines.
  • Bidders can easily partake in many auctions from the comfort of their home.
  • Find exclusive deals and lots.
  • Advertise your business, brand or messaging widely


A virtual auction is very similar to a traditional auction in the sense that it is hosted by a professional auctioneer. The auctioneer goes through a selection of lots one and a time and attempts to create competition amongst interested bidders to maximise the money earned for each item.

The main difference is that the auction is hosted online and streamed live via video feed to attendees all over the world.


Benefits of a Virtual Auction:
  • Breaks down the physical limitations of traditional auctions to reach many more bidders.
  • Maintains the atmosphere of a traditional auction.
  • Increases the money raised for lots by creating competition amongst bidders.
  • Hosted online and meets Covid-19 physical distancing recommendations.
  • Wide range on online entertainment can be married with the virtual auction to bring more value to bidders.
  • Less costly than a traditional auction.


Raising funds to sustain a non-profit is usually the biggest challenge in the operation of any foundation. With an ever increasingly competitive non-profit sector, it is becoming more and more difficult to secure a stable network of donors to support the efforts of a non-profit. It has become ever so important to run non-profits on classic business models of decreasing costs whilst diversifying income streams.


Benefits of a Click Auction Online & Virtual Auction for non-profits:
  • Fixed upfront affordable rate.
  • No limit to amount of funds to be raised.
  • Diversify income/fundraising streams.
  • Engage donor network with fun and unique experience and opportunity to secure exclusive auction lots.
  • Give auction item donors a platform to get their brands noticed when donating goods, services and experiences for auction.
  • Keep up with the ever changing fundraising landscape.